Si cHanTeQ daN si HeNseM!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

2012 special GA! Sweets lovers..j0m! :)

hey peeps! b4 bln January ni melabuhkan tirai. . i nk share sal dis GA ok?. . dis is my 1st GA entrance f0r this year. . y?? simple mimple. . saya org yg sukeeee mkn. . especially thise lovely cupcakes n of k0z. . ch0colate!! ada ke sape2 x ske or x penah mkn ch0colate? as far as i kn0w penah tgk dlm TV skali je ade org x penah mkn cokelet. . taw x citer Wendy Wu the Homecoming warrior? Si Shen the monk 2 kan x penah mkn cokelet. .huhu. .  lau dia ade blog p0n I'll suruh him to join dis contest so he can taste the super extra delicious chocolate!deng! crap lg. .  :) I know I won't get thise lovely cup cakes since I'm in Kelantan rite n0w. .but it's ok c0z the ch0colate still there! Yummy!..f0r more information ape kate klik je kat bawah banner yg kiuttt miutt tu or klik SINI UTK GA 2012. .ok x?
sYarat2 yg d beri sgt senang u olls. . remember! tarikh tutup 31st january hurry up ok? :)

P/S: Kalau ade rezeki InsyaAllah la menang sb sepanjang join GA ni x penah la plak menang. . huhu. . n0 luck yet U_U. . but it's ok. . by joining contest2 mcm ni ley sama2 kita tlg sesama bloggers t0k merapatkan r/ship n promote each other blog rite?. .  s0 amacam? :)

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Teha Nur Fateha said...

thanks for joining :)

tapi link fb kamu x blh view la..dah add x?

FaRhaH NaJwa said...

da..baru jew add mlm td :) lau da approve ley la view :)

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